“I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord!”
Psalms 122:1
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
Matt. 28: 19-20
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace”
1 Peter 4:10
With Us
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the keeper of the vineyard…..”
John 15: 1-8
New Salem Worship Experience on sunday at 10:00 AM
Good News! We will live stream our services online.
Join us for our special worship experience live
from the sanctuary — Sundays at 10 am.
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Our Pastor
Rev. Dr. Keith A. Troy & Min. Brenda Troy
The ability to wrap the traditional virtues of our forefathers’ religion within the framework of modern-day relevance is a hallmark of great religious leaders. A learned scholar, Dr. Keith Troy was blessed with such a gift and has become widely regarded as a “master teacher” with a Shepherd’s heart. And always at his side, his wife, Minister Brenda Troy, demonstrating her support to her husband and commitment to the betterment of our community and individuals’ quality of life.
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( FIRST, WHY DIDN'T THE COP JUST WRITE THE TICKET LIKE THE GUY SAID TO DO!! ...... No they seen it was a Black person and felt the need to screw him out of money!!! And that is Exactly what they did!!).... ( for Black people only ) Hello people, I want to talk to all Black people! As you know, ALL law Enforcement are so out of control ( now days an age ) And its be proven time after time cops/sheriff target Black 70% more then White people! So Let the dirty law Enforcements, suck the city dry of money! With lawsuits!! ( ALL BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS! )Everyone needs to find ONE great civil rights Lawyer for all Black people to use! When any cops/sheriff stop you for NO reason and start harassing you, File a lawsuit! If any cops/sheriff targets you/and or pull you over some bogus reason! ( no matter what ) file a lawsuit! ( NEVER answer or carry on any kind of conversation with any Law Enforcement!! ) They are not your friend!! This is how you can turn their corruption right back on them!! Hit them where it hurt in their pocket book! People ALWAYS make sure the NAACP is involved!! This is the ONLY way your going to win and make a change!! Always remember this!! ( Together we stand Divided we fall...)... bless all of you....https://youtu.be/Ygb3UEc7YrM?si=aT5DnhXkG6WwB4Xe